Sunday, March 08, 2009

Abby's Bloomin' Hobby...

It's pay back time for all the times I had the flash in her face when I was using the Powershot and she was a helpless little 3 month old. This Nikon film camera flash is dead blinding and now that Uncle Jonny's taught her to look through the view finder, she won't snap the picture until I'm looking AT the camera. I tried closing my eyes and posing for a picture but then she'll say, "I see you. Here mommy." As soon as I open my eyes, she snaps the picture. This morning, I don't know how many flashing stars I saw as I blinked. Ok Abby, I get it. It was a lot of flashing lights for you when mommy didn't know better and flashed the Powershot in your face from your 3 months of life till you were almost one. Just remember... I've since stopped using the flash except when I'm chasing you for a dress shot cuz you won't pose for pictures and you tell me to "stop it" and get real mad while jumping all over the place.



Susan Bang said...

adorable!! love your effects. gosh how do you get your pix so big?? I'm such a novice at this.

Jin said...

future member of the photo club!
i like the antique look!