Wednesday, May 02, 2007

9 months - sure makes a difference!

Since this Monday, Abby started drinking her bottle while awake. She grabs the bottle and lies down... usually leans on my lap and watches TV while drinking. =) Didn't want to get my hopes up so I didn't blog it... looks like she's still drinking while awake! YAY!!!

Another thing she started to do now that she's 9 months old is to fall asleep on her own. Sooooo proud of her. When she starts to rub her eyes, we sit her down on her blanket... she plays with her bunny and when she's ready to sleep, she lies back, leans on her pillow and falls asleep. LOVE it! Maybe I can start sneaking in a few more blogs each night!

Here's a picture of Abby sleeping right now. I was working on a Mother's Day gift so I'm posting now but she's been sleeping since 9:45pm. I hope this lasts...

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