Thursday, May 31, 2007

Abby is 10 months!!!

Abby's 10 months as of yesterday... she's a big girl now!

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Btw, Madras is in...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday Pictures with Big Bear.

Pictures with the BIG bear from Grandma and Grandpa Nam a few years ago (before Abby).

Gettin' Ready... 5.19.07

I feel like a broken record player when I tell Andrew that I want to take Abby outside a little early on Saturdays to miss the traffic... I got her ready a little early - by 10am!!!! - but then she was hungry again and getting tired so didn't make it out - AGAIN. I felt like I was getting better at it before I went back to work but now that I'm working, I really have 2 full days during the weekend to REALLY get a chance to get back to mommy-mode and do mommy things with her. She's getting so independent already ... where does the time go? I was a little sad today. Seems like yesterday that she needed me for everything and now she's wanting to do things by herself... like crawling (yes, started this Tuesday), drinking out of her sippy straw cup, sleeping on her own... she doesn't like to be held anymore (good I guess cuz now my arms can rest, but bad cuz I don't get to hold her till she sleeps). Omg! What am I going to do when she starts walking and talking and going to school? I am going to be a MESS!!! Here are some pictures I took of her after I put on her sneakers... she's glued to the TV which allowed me to tie her shoe laces.

Btw, she cut another tooth on top... but it's not a front tooth in the middle as we thought the next would be. This one came out of nowhere. Andrew just happened to notice as I was getting her dressed after her bath tonight.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Abby's 1st ponytail...

Or rather, tails? This was taken about 30 minutes after I got home from work... before, Abby had FOUR ponytails!!! What is grandma doing to Abby? It was so warm today that she put a tail on top, both on the sides, and a dinky one in the back. When I first got home, she had the top and back tail which I immediately pulled off. AYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Good morning!

Abby woke up early today... while she was playing, we took these 2 pictures of her. Within seconds, she went from laughing and playing to yawning, then to sleeping. She was up for about 3 hours. Had a few minutes to post this while she's asleep. =)

Happy 1st Birthday Erin!!!

Abby's friend Erin turns 1 today. YAY!!! We celebrated her "dohl" last Saturday.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Abby's Pack n Play

Last Saturday, we pulled out the top layer of the Pack N Play and put her in. To our surprise, she actually enjoys playing in there! She even fell asleep in there all by herself!!! BUT, since we're paranoid 1st time parents and heard somewhere that they shouldn't sleep in there, we let her sleep for a few minutes and pulled her out.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

DDR w/Uncle Chris...

Uncle Chris stopped by today...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Yesterday Night...

After she finished her milk, she dropped the bottle and was sound asleep. Couldn't believe it!!!

9 months - sure makes a difference!

Since this Monday, Abby started drinking her bottle while awake. She grabs the bottle and lies down... usually leans on my lap and watches TV while drinking. =) Didn't want to get my hopes up so I didn't blog it... looks like she's still drinking while awake! YAY!!!

Another thing she started to do now that she's 9 months old is to fall asleep on her own. Sooooo proud of her. When she starts to rub her eyes, we sit her down on her blanket... she plays with her bunny and when she's ready to sleep, she lies back, leans on her pillow and falls asleep. LOVE it! Maybe I can start sneaking in a few more blogs each night!

Here's a picture of Abby sleeping right now. I was working on a Mother's Day gift so I'm posting now but she's been sleeping since 9:45pm. I hope this lasts...

Happy Birthday Uncle Jonny!!!