Monday, August 06, 2012

Second tooth bites the dust!

I tried the dental floss trick again, but I tied the knot too high on the tooth. This tooth SO was ready to come out!
She was afraid cuz I told her we'd try another trick ... After some tears, and with some reassurance that mommy knows what she's doing, we went to her room, tied another piece of floss to the floss tied to her tooth. I tied that new piece to her door knob, asked her to keep her mouth open, and shut the door. I don't think the door even closed all the way before it came out. We all wondered if the tooth even came out. I looked in her mouth and there was no tooth. We reached for the other end of the floss and there it was. No blood this time. It was barely holding on. Yay Abby for being so brave and trusting mommy!

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