Monday, December 01, 2008

Disney On Ice...

Instead of joining in the hustle and bustle of Black Friday, we went out to Disney On Ice. Thanks Uncle Chris!
"I do it". She wanted to come down the stairs all by herself. 

She fell asleep on the ride over. We were worried she'd sleep through the show. 
Killing time. We took turns taking pictures while Abby was sleeping. 
Need more practice w/this lens. 
Tried focusing on Andrew and we got less blur. 
Start of the show.
Abby woke up in a matter of seconds. 
Little Mermaid.
Lion King finale. Scar fell during this show. Had Chris and Andrew laughing and Brian thinking Scar was drunk.
Ursala. One of the electric eels (I think?) on the right. 
Flounder, Sebastian and Ariel. Hard to get focused shots with the fog.
The suspense.
Pictures during intermission. 

Abby looking out at the vendors... 
Lots of lights and Disney paraphernalia. 
I love her eyes. She's just soaking it all in. 

I took a quick shot while her photo was being taken.
She didn't smile for any pictures. At least she sat. =) 
Tinkerbell was on after intermission. 
I was too busy eating popcorn so only got the finale shots. 

Group pic after the show. 

 Abby doing her usual stuff after the show. Her hair is getting long.

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