Thursday, October 23, 2008


 I got my handwriting made into a font on The layout is by © ksharonk, 2008. Abby is talking up a storm! I wuv ooh. mommy-yah (we call her abby-ah in Korean which is why we think she says that now) up, down, sit, see. moon, stahrl (star), blue, red (wehd), green (guh-een), yellow (yeh-yoh) carhl (car), cha (car in Korean) ah-nah-nah (banana) geeeeeeeh (while motioning to draw-not sure how that translates to drawing) buh bye, hi, hello. I almost forgot the best one!!! She says O-BAH-ma (emphasis on BAH) and Ah-Cain (very hard K sound-it really comes from her gut). Abby gives great hugs these days. She's very generous with them. =) So nice to come home to. She plays pretend picture taking. She'll aim her index fingers like a camera and then ask if you want to see her picture by saying "see?". Then she says, "oh, tuute". If you ask her who she sees in the picture, she says Abby. She responds to "What's your name?" and "How old are you?" She's a lot more chatty on the phone (for obvious reasons).

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