Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!!

I can't believe how much Abby is sleeping today. I tried something different last night and I set the sleepy setting at 11pm. She slept just like she would've at midnight or 1am. NICE! But, instead of waking up early, it's 11am and she's still sleeping. I'm sure she'll wake up when she's hungry. Well, it gave me a chance to catch up on some blog reading, blog posting, email reading, and cleaning up a little. If I had known she'd sleep this long, I totally would've gotten out my stamps and given some projects a try. Oh well. I guess mommy was more excited about Halloween than she was. Does she even know what Halloween is? It will probably be "Why do I have to wear this ridiculous outfit I can't even walk in?" kinda day for her. Here's some pictures of Abby in her kangaroo costume I will never ever be able to get her in.


Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! Ohhh, poor Abby...feel so sorry for her in pic 6 of this set. She's almost like "I'm about to fall and won't be able to get up!"
- Auntie okipow

Anonymous said...

haha, these pictures are too cute.
it must be so bulky for her!

- aunt p