Sunday, December 03, 2006

Abby's 4 month check-up

We went to the pediatrician yesterday and O my goodness! Abby grew 2 inches and gained 2 pounds!
That puts her at 100% for weight and 75% for her height. I wasn't surprised about her weight... she was 95th last month. Her height, however, was in the 35th last month.
Go grandma! She's been feeding her bananas, rice cereal, apples and oranges. Btw, no oranges from now on per doctor's orders... it's too acidic for baby. I'll just have to call the doctor in from now on...


Anonymous said...

What %-ile were her calves in?

Lisa Ra said...

wow, grandma's starting her early with the solids. welcome to the 100% club, Abby. you grew so much!