Saturday, June 29, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Last Day of first grade...

We ate pancakes (from scratch) and even played a few minutes of UNO spin.

Monday, June 24, 2013

2nd to last day of school

Dad sent me a picture of you and wrote this:
She said "I don't wanna take a photo." Prob don't need a caption to
tell you that.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Backyard Bash 2013

Abby's picture of our Memorial Day

In HER world, I wear heels to the park. Haha

Lunch - second to last for 1st grade!

Copic coloring - Anya

Right now, you are in full swing with Copic coloring. Stamping and
drawing these Anya images by The Greeting Farm. I have Kristina Werner
on Kwernerdesign blog to thank for that! :)
You are also big into drawing My Little Pony. You are amazing at it!
Really into the Manga eyes. :)
Woke up early this a.m. to give myself a few quiet moments to jot down
a few things you are into now for your time capsule. It's exciting to
see how you will remember all of these items going in 11 years from
now! I love this idea from your school! :)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013 - Maggiano's

Giant mustache card for big daddy, fun facts card for g-pa.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

School birthday cupcakes - 6.11.13

Since she has a summer birthday, she celebrated her school birthday today.
As the cupcakes baked in the oven, she sat and watched the oven the
full 15 minutes for the cupcakes to bake.
Used the heirloom vintage frosting recipe using a cup of milk, 4T corn
starch, 1t vanilla extract, 1c sugar, and 2 sticks of butter. Learned
the hard way that you need to dissolve the corn starch in milk before
heating! I got massive boba tea-esque lumps which was ditched into a
mug until it cooled for disposal. Then tried again with a fresh cup of
milk and 4T corn starch again. Result is a nice custard consistency.
Let cool, and beat the butter, sugar, and vanilla. Then add the
custard and beat a LOT until small peaks form. I worried at first that
it would become too thick but it didn't. :)