Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Work in progress... Kids' rooms

But I finally buckled down and stuck these wall decals in their rooms
while thy napped. While the kids were home the past two days, I
enforced a 2pm nap. Today, lunch was a little delayed so nap time was
Abby's room is in disarray again... I took her desk and put it in the
dining room and the plan is to get the Expedit desk extension for her
Expedit 4x4 shelf. Put her bed back where it originally was. I have
an idea I've wanted to put on her bedside wall found on Pinterest.

Abby's drawing of the girl from Knuffle Bunny

Yesterday's art session

Abby was home from school yesterday (as well as today). Fever's not
crazy today so I'm relieved. The congestion seems to be annoying her
today though.
Connor has the sniffles but he seems ok. Wasn't so sure yesterday what
was going on with him.
On Sunday, we put Elmer's glue on watercolor paper and let it dry
overnight. What I thought was gonna be last night's project ended up
being a day time life saver to keep their minds off not feeling so

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Saturday, April 27, 2013