Monday, December 31, 2012

My sis dressed me this a.m.

She accessorized C with the pink peace scarf and he added the helmet.
He was so handsome with the jeans and sweater alone...

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Fishing for their stray car...

We really need to do something about this big gap under the oven...
We've done this at least 3 times already in the past two weeks and
today found a hardcover joke book while hunting to find his current
favorite blue/purple Hot Wheel.
The blue light is from his miner's flashlight around his head. Lol.

Gooey butter cookies...

...cooling off on a new rack stack thanks to my MIL!
The dough was slightly sticky and involved powdered sugar so the kiddos helped add the chocolate chips to the dough.

Winding down

Crazy art. Artist must be half blind by now.

Actually had craft stations along the way

Energy level getting dangerously low.

Huge train track setup.

Energy level was about medium here.

Cool museum

This was when their energy level was high.

Morris Museum with Daddy

Who knew there was a children's museum???