Sunday, July 29, 2012

Dinner at Big Red Tomato...

Post hair cuts for the girls, pre-birthday celeb for Abby.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Head shots for vbs

Head shots for vbs

Banana pancakes

That was mom's. No one else was as adventurous today...
Not even dad. They opted for fresh fruit after it was on the plate. I added cinnamon and bananas as it was cooking. Flipped, then topped with brown sugar and a little syrup. YUM!!! A good ratio to whole wheat flour and white flour seems to be 1:3. Kids are eating it and loving it!

Pancakes for breakfast...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Farewell to long locks...

This Sunday she's cutting her hair. She's tired of getting her hair blow dried after each shower (uh, hello, mommy does all the work!!) and having to wear her bathrobe to keep herself dry. If I can convince her, I want her hair to be short, but long enough for a ponytail... For those days when she wants it out of the way. Lol

Soon to be short...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tooth Fairy Morning Surprise

Abby sees her bedding for the first time


Taking a walk at the park

Chillin' with our neighbor :)

Peach picking with a friend (TM)

Went to see friend's older bro play baseball... Game was cancelled.
Went to pick blueberries... There wasn't any left - so went and picked peaches.
Then they set out to eat at Stewart's... When they got there, it was out of business. Phew. What a day for friend's parents!!!