Tuesday, March 30, 2010

April 2010 Desktop

Got a head start.

Uncle Danny's wedding is this Saturday!!!!
Thursday is rehearsal dinner, Friday is Good Friday, and Saturday is the wedding. Sunday is Easter, and Monday is daddy's 36th birthday.
Phew... a packed weekend.


Desktop by Shabby Princess.
(c) 2010 Shabby Princess Designs of www.shabbyprincess.com

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010


An hour ago, both of our kids were crying all the way up 2 flights of stairs to our unit.  It started out with Connor crying in the car just as we turned onto our street.
When we parked the car, I woke up Abby and as she climbed out of the car, she started to cry.  Since Connor was being carried in his car bucket, he stopped crying.
We got into our main door and both started crying in unison.  Now, just about an hour later, Connor's eaten for the night and he's out.  Abby is fast asleep dreaming of finding her green kazoo which is probably somewhere on the right side of her car seat.  When she fell asleep in the car, both arms flailed and she whacked me with the yellow one.  Didn't realize she was holding the green one cuz I thought it was still in her cargo pant pocket.

Phew.  Just getting a drink of water and documenting this before we turn in.

Connor looked around when I took him out of the car bucket and the expression on his face was as if to say, "home sweet home... now I can rest easy."
He saw the familiar curtains, the blinds, and the orange rock orb we have and closed his eyes.  He drank all 8 ozs of his milk and fell asleep.

Taxes, check.
Fun with Gomo and Grandparents - check.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Where's Abby?

To which she answered, "I here!!!"

Monday, March 01, 2010

March Desktop 2010

 Desktop by Christy Lyle