Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Don't Wanna Hear It!!!

Actually, she really dug her hoodie and liked to listen through the fabric. 

Monday, September 29, 2008

Good Morning~

A picture of Abby yesterday morning. She slept around 7:30pm Saturday night and woke up at 8am Sunday. Does she look well-rested or what? She had some great times w/Grandma Nam and Aunt Soeun... I hear "bbeeyo" (rain but w/her twist in Korean) was her favorite word of the day as she played with a little umbrella. In hind sight, I wonder if she was still practicing "ppyok ppyok ppyok" from Pororo's Old Mac Donald song in Korean. She really enjoyed that song this week and sang along with the little chicks going "ppyok ppyok ppyok".

Sunday, September 28, 2008

What are you doing?

 I wish I knew what I did to get her to look. Reminds me I have a picture somewhere of Abby taking pictures with the XLR. I took it w/the powershot. **EDITED TO ADD** Happy 6th year Anniversary Big Momma and Big Papa! Happy Birthday E-mo Diane!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A quick smile.

 New words: mah-yi (many in Korean) - if you didn't know her, you'd think she's saying mine. bahl (feet) ghi (ears)

Friday, September 26, 2008


 Another word she's saying a lot lately as she points her 2 fingers. "Two."

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sleeping Beauty...

 Some new words: yahn yahng (Korean for socks) sooes - shoes sohks - socks un-night - good night koh - nose ghih - ears

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


This was one of the first nights that she started lining up the dog, the frog, and the pig before saying, "cheese". She sets them up and poses for pictures... if I don't go get the camera and take a shot, she continues to say "cheese" until I do. I guess it's a good thing... it's been tough getting shots of her because she avoids the camera on purpose. I've been laying off a little and taking pictures when she's playing in my sorry attempt to not get too much in her face w/the camera. She posed for this one:

 I took one too many and now she's annoyed: 

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hey There, Miles...

Congrats to the Leung family! Their son was born last Sunday at 11am. Baby's name is Jaden (but I think I spelled his name wrong?). 

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Crowded House...

Last night, Abby wanted to eat dinner w/all 3 of her best friends. Woh woh (dog), frog, and ggeul ggeul (pig).

Monday, September 08, 2008

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Drinking Juice in Style...

 Doesn't her face seem long? I had to double check to make sure I didn't elongate the picture while adding the overlay. Floral Scallops overlay is by Karen Russell which can be found at Polka Dot Potato.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Long Pigtails...

 Remembered a few more and heard her say them so I jotted them down this time... kohhhh or neh neh (nap/sleep) ddoh (again) no more one more mine bboh bboh (kiss) ggohl ggohl (pig) sih (sit)

Friday, September 05, 2008

Watching her D-BD...

 Amazing how quickly her vocabulary is picking up. T---B, C---B, D--B--D (TV, CD, DVD) Eh-wo (hello) hi, bye see-su (see you soon) ah-mini (hahl muh nee - korean for grandma) daddy mommy uhm mah ah bbah soo-si (susie) followed by mommy or she calls me this when she's calling me from afar aeh oo (andrew) this is new for now - tough word i guess uh-woo (away they went) - she uses this after naming a member of the family not there at the moment. ah jji (uncle) co-co-yo (current DVD favorite, Pocoyo) eh yi (friend of Pocoyo named Elly) dato (friend of Pocoyo named Pato) aqui (a key - from Pocoyo episode - which explains that word now) deh ddah (all done in korean) ji ji (dirty in korean) ah-chooa (cold in korean) she grabs both her arms like we do when we're chilly yoyoyo (trying out her hip hop) elmo gwowoh (grover) bi br (big bird) wawoh & moohl (water, water in korean) bubble i-cream (ice-cream) ... i'll have to add more as it comes to my mind cuz now i can't remember anything!!! but her vocab is growing and she's repeating them a lot quicker - esp. when she likes something, like Pocoyo and his friends.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Final Shot at the Park...

One last shot of Abby in the grass...

 Used TRA's Green w/Envy.

Monday, September 01, 2008