Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!!

I can't believe how much Abby is sleeping today. I tried something different last night and I set the sleepy setting at 11pm. She slept just like she would've at midnight or 1am. NICE! But, instead of waking up early, it's 11am and she's still sleeping. I'm sure she'll wake up when she's hungry. Well, it gave me a chance to catch up on some blog reading, blog posting, email reading, and cleaning up a little. If I had known she'd sleep this long, I totally would've gotten out my stamps and given some projects a try. Oh well. I guess mommy was more excited about Halloween than she was. Does she even know what Halloween is? It will probably be "Why do I have to wear this ridiculous outfit I can't even walk in?" kinda day for her. Here's some pictures of Abby in her kangaroo costume I will never ever be able to get her in.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

But I Don't Wanna Sleep!!!

These are some of the things we do with Abby before she goes to bed... mostly to keep her in bed and get her in the state of rest. She's been sleeping around midnight most of the time. Tonight, she slept early, but woke up and is watching Pororo. It's 12:25am as I write this. It might be another hour or so before she's tired. Every 10 minutes = 1 hour. She slept about an hour tonight (started around 10pm) so we may still be awake to go straight to breakfast. ha ha!!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Has anyone tried Yummy Earth lollipops?

Found out about these candies from Cindy Lyles' blog. Sounds delicious!!!
If anyone's tried them, sure would love to know what you think!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Abby & Elmo...

She looks so grown up in that outfit and hair. She manages to carry Elmo around pretty well. That look of determination on her face can be seen pretty often (second picture). I love the flip in her hair... usually most prominent in the morning when she first wakes up. I wish I had the volume she had when she wakes up!!! =)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Many Faces of Abby...

Just from the few seconds of taking pictures. One is of her winking before she can get to winking with just one eye. She's imitating us now and we're trying to teach her thank you... she imitates us but sounds more like "ttehn tteh".Some new things she's doing this week:

She stands up, touches her toes (or at least tries), sticks her butt up in the air for no apparent reason at all.
She spins herself in place out of the blue.
She makes the winking face but with a pout when she doesn't get her way or get what she wants.
She throws both arms back when you ask her, "what does an airplane do?" (in Korean, of course).
She points her index finger up when you ask her, "how old are you?" (again in Korean).

Sleeping Abby...

It's been awhile since I've taken a picture of Abby sleeping. She's surrounded by all her stuffed friends to keep her from bumping her head at night. She has this funny way of sitting up in the middle of the night, then falling over to sleep again which equals a few bumps on her noggin.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Abby on the Go...

An updated banner...

She's walking, smelling flowers, riding Dora cars. =) Her days crawling and sitting still... a distant memory!

Friday, October 05, 2007