Sunday, September 30, 2007

Abby's 1st Cheesecake @ 14 months.

Grandma Nam, Grandpa Nam, & Aunt Soeun came to visit today. They brought mini strawberry cheesecakes!!! YAY!

Abby Punk Rocker - 14 months today.

Just changed back to the 50 mm lens. Doesn't she look ready for school? She just dropped the lunch bag when I took the shot.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

October 2007 Desktop

We took these pictures of Abby on August 22nd. She only had 2 bottom teeth then!!! Thanks to Tasha & Albert for the cute little hat on her 1st birthday... matching sweater and outfits will follow this fall. =)

Oops!!! I got the gifts mixed up... they're from Lisa and Sam. Thanks ladies!!!

SMJ October Desktop Freebie created by the most talented Sarah Vrolyk
©2007 for Shabby Miss Jenn/Jenna Beam at

Abby & Amara

Amara's 1st birthday party was on Sept. 1st. We headed down to Trenton past Rutgers, New Brunswick where I graduated NINE years ago. Gosh, seems like a long time. Andrew, it's been ELEVEN years since he's roomed with Amara's father!!!! (pictures from Amara's parents)

Look Who's Laughing...

Abby was playing with her toys while her daddy was folding his T-shirts. He threw a shirt her way and she burst out laughing. He continued to do this until she was covered in a pile of clothes.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Abby at play....

One of my many quick clicks before I head out the door to work...
She looks so mature here.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Abby Loves Reggae

Yesterday, we found out Abby likes Reggae...
The band is Koauka, song was "Take you for a ride."
Aunt Soeun introduced it to Abby last night. We laughed so hard, we got quite an ab workout!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hmm... doesn't sound quite right...

Abby is becoming quite a pro at this... grandma decided to buy her this since she was so good at blowing raspberries.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Tired after a crazy day...

Abby woke up early today... thank goodness! We needed to take her to get labwork done. Checking for anemia and one other thing that totally escapes me right now. After 2 hours of waiting, we finally got called in... that was 10:20am. After stopping by e-mo hahl muh nih's clinic, grabbing lunch there, and finally heading home for a bath, she fell asleep in front of the laptop. She looks just like her father... you can find him doing the same thing on the dining room table around 1am. =)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Our labor day...

It was such a nice day... weather was beautiful!
We were bogged down decluttering the Namshee household before we went back to work the following day.
To take a nice break, we went out to Constitution Park in Fort Lee.
Abby LOVED it there - esp. the other kids. Makes me wonder if I need to take her out to Mommy & Me. I still have yet to post this past weekend's pictures of Abby at Amara's 1st bday party. She was such a ham... she wanted me to put her down so she could walk over to the other girls playing. I did. She walked over all by herself, tilted her head to the side, and waved her hands with the cutest little smile. I wonder where she gets that from, hmmm? =)
Anyways, here are some pictures from our Labor Day.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

September 2007 Desktop

A few days late...
(c) 2007 Shabby Princess Designs of

************EDITED TO ADD*****************************************************

This is the smaller of the 2 downloadable desktops by Shabby Princess. I found newer pictures to put into them!

Monday, September 03, 2007

So tired...

Abby slept at midnight last night... she only took a nap at 2:30pm yesterday, and then a 20 minute power nap at 9pm which kept her up!!! This is what she looked like this morning though. hee hee.

Oodles of noodles

Last night, we ended up eating dinner late so we made some dduk bok ih and ramen. Abby wanted some too. =) First soba, now ramen.