Thursday, August 31, 2006

1 month old...


Yesterday was Abby's one month check-up.
She weighed in at 8 lbs, 15 ozs. and she's now 21 inches long.
Her head circumference is now 14.7 from 13.1 inches.
She was busy this past month!!!

The pink outfit she is wearing in the second picture is now quite snug... this was the outfit she wore home from the hospital. We didn't make it to the doctor's in this outfit... we had to change her clothes - casualty during diaper change (hence the yellow outfit).

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Trying out black & white.

4 weeks old....

This morning's tummy time... looks more like nap time.

Mommy & Abby.

Daddy & Abby.

Abby sandwich


What a difference 2 weeks makes!
She looks so comfortable here.

Abby after her bath.

Help me... 8.25.06

Quite pooped after floor tummy time.

Tummy Time - 8.24.06

What an eventful one...

Abby's Binkie... 8.24.06

Probably the last picture of Abby with a binkie in her mouth... she absolutely gags when you try to give it to her now.



Picture catch-up day.

Monday, August 21, 2006

3 weeks old...


Abby gets her belly button...


Her umbilical cord FINALLY fell off on Saturday! Bath time!!!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Friday, August 18, 2006

Smiling on the Papasan...

First time we got a smile from Abby while using the Boppy pillow...
She seems to hate this thing, but she must've liked the swing.

Busy Abby...

Mommy kept her very busy yesterday... probably why she's so tired and cranky today.

Daddy Time...

Abby loves her time with her daddy!!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Abby's Playground...

Abby's first time in her Baby Einstein Activity Gym. She befriended the lady bug today.

hi miss lady bug!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

2 weeks!!!

Also wanted to note that 8.13.06 was her due date.